We are bringing "The Aloha Spirit" to the East Coast!! Aloha Watersports offers first class water adventures with quality service topped with a touch of Aloha!! A lifestyle.. A way of life..
We take pride in what we do and believe in our brand. Our slogan "Love 2 Live" refers to literally loving to live. Love life and enjoy life to the fullest.. Not only during exciting adventures but also in conversation, watching the sunset or feeling the wind blow... watching a wave break, climbing a mountain or touching first snow...
We love watersports and that's what we do; we live Aloha because that's who we are!
alo • ha
alo=presence, hâ=breath
Aloha in the Hawaiian language means affection, love, peace, compassion and mercy. It also has come to be used as an English greeting to say hello and goodbye. We use it in greetings, farewells and in expressing love. But the word means even more, it is a way of life..
"The earth, the sky, the sea are mine to care for, to cherish and to protect. This is Hawaiian - this is Aloha!" ~Curby Rule
This is "The Aloha Spirit", this is "The Way of Aloha." Not just in Hawaii but everywhere.